Elasticsearch Document Size Bloat

I’ve been working with Elasticsearch off and on in my career and more so on then off it seems for the last couple years. It’s a great tool to get aggregations and quick searching on data; however, sometimes you need to be careful or the size of your documents can get out of hand.

To illustrate my point, let’s come up with a somewhat believable schema that you could likely have in your application.

Author: Category:
id id
name tag
Post: post_id
id category_id

If you wanted posts and related data to be searchable in Elasticsearch your document structure would likely look like this:

"_source": {
"content":"full text content stuff",
"author": {
"id": 42,
"name": "Ben",
"country": "United States",
"language": "English"
"categories": [
"id": 13,
"tag": "json"
"id": 42,
"tag": "programming"

As you can see, this document is essentially a denormalized data structure of what you can expect to find in the schema. It comes with the same benefits and drawbacks when you denormalize data. It’s fast because you don’t have to look at any other data sources; however, the data contains duplications which increases space. Every Post caries with it an Author and any number of Category objects.

If you search by author.name there is a good chance you’ll have duplicate authors in each of the posts. If you fetch N number of documents and all of them have the same Author you’re needlessly deserializing N-1 of them. In this example that doesn’t seem bad, but suppose it was a more complex model… You’re just compounding the number of allocations you’ll incur and the size of the total payload just keeps growing.

If you run into these kinds of scenarios they can be mitigated by using the _source and fields directives in your Elasticsearch queries to pair down the data you need. There is a lot of nuance with these and it is highly recommended that you read the docs for yourself. Having said that, what follows are a couple examples you may want to think about in your application.

Fetch Primary Keys and Build It Yourself

One strategy may be to fetch only the keys from the document and in a second parallel manner retrieve the data from cache or the database it came from.


GET /_search
"query": {
"match": {
"author.name": "Ben"
"fields": [
"_source": false


"hits" : {
"total" : {
"value" : 420,
"relation" : "eq"
"max_score" : 1.0,
"hits" : [
"_index" : "my-index-000001",
"_id" : "the-post-id",
"_score" : 1.0,
"fields" : {
"author.id" : [42]
"categories.id" : [13, 42]
... 419 more hits ...

Slight side note; if you noticed the author.id field is an array even though our document has a single author it’s because the underlying mappings actually store these leafs as a list.

This is a tremendous savings on Elasticsearch as it doesn’t need to send the original document and all it needs to do is supply the mappings that matched the document instead. The trade-off of course is you now need to wait for the response from Elasticsearch and then kick off extra potential requests to other data stores so weigh your application needs accordingly. Obviously if all you care about is several fields in your document this is a big win indeed.

Source filtering to Pair Down Data

A secondary strategy, that you can actually combine with the previous, is to have Elasticsearch pair down the JSON document it sends to you.


GET /_search
"query": {
"match": {
"author.name": "Ben"
"_source": {
"include": {
"includes": ["title", "content", "author.name", "categories.tag"],
"excludes": []


"hits": {
"_index" : "my-index-000001",
"_id" : "the-post-id",
"_score" : 1.0
"_source": {
"title": "some title",
"content": "some content",
"author": {
"name": "Ben"
"categories": [
{ "tag": "json" },
{ "tag": "programming" }

This prunes the document down to just the fields you’ll be using but maintains the relative structure of it. You’ll still be incurring allocation costs to deserialize duplicates but at least it only for the data you’ll be directly using. One giant bullet point to _source filtering is it’s not free. By default Elasticsearch will simply pass the whole document without parsing it at all; however, source filtering will require Elasticsearch to deserialize the document to derive the filtered structure. You’ll see a fair amount more memory being utilized with this so at larger scale and volume of data you’ll probably want to find other optimizations.


Using Elasticsearch as a document store is pretty descent, but as your data requirements change and grow it can be easy to simply keep tacking on fields to your documents. There are a number of solutions to mitigate how much data you transfer to avoid large chunks of overhead, and sometimes they come with their own costs. Here we covered the two primary ways of filtering data, fields and _source filtering. If at all possible you should reach for fields when possible.
