When Slices Should Be Iterators

Today I had a bit of fun learning how to get more into the head-space on defining better parameters in my rust functions when they work with a collection. Let’s go on a journey and get to the final evolution of where I ended up and what was learned.

First we’ll need to start with a small snippet of code to get an idea of where it started. In this case I was tinkering with a simple cache store of a RwLock around a HashMap where the values are insulated in an Arc.

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
pub struct Cache<K, V>(RwLock<HashMap<K, Arc<V>>>);
impl<K: Eq + Hash, V> Cache<K, V> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
pub fn store(&self, key: K, value: V) {
.expect("A write lock to store cache item")
.insert(key, Arc::new(value));
pub fn get(&self, key: &K) -> Option<Arc<V>> {
.expect("A reading lock to read cache item")
mod test {
use super::Cache;
fn a_simple_read_and_write() {
let cache = Cache::new();
cache.store("test", "it");
let fetched = cache.get(&"test").unwrap();
assert_eq!(*fetched, "it");

I then wanted to add a bulk fetch method which would utilize a single read lock to bulk fetch as many cached items via keys. My first pass ended up looking like this:

// Inside impl for Cache<K, V>
pub fn get_for_keys(&self, keys: &[K]) -> Vec<Arc<V>> {
let hash = self.0.read().expect("A reading lock to get for keys");
.flat_map(|key| {
// Added to tests
fn simple_get_for_keys() {
let cache = Cache::new();
cache.store('a', "apple");
cache.store('b', "banana");
cache.store('c', "crayon");
let keys = vec!['a', 'b', 'z'];
let hits = cache.get_for_keys(&keys);
assert_eq!(hits.len(), 2);

Sweet, tests pass and we are in business! Now lets plug it in roughly to the code path I was hoping to use it in…

let cache = Cache::new();
cache.store('a', "apples");
cache.store('b', "bananas");
let mut keys = HashSet::new();
let hits = cache.get_for_keys(&keys);
// ^^^^^ expected slice `[char]`, found struct `HashSet`

It turns out a slice won’t work, so it’s back to the drawling board. I’m not actually even using the slice directly really, I’m just using the iterator it provides via .iter(). So why not just require an iterator to begin with? Here is what my next try looked like.

// Had to add an `'a` lifetime to the start of the impl:
impl<'a, K: Eq + Hash + 'a, V> Cache<K, V> {}
// Updated get_for_keys
pub fn get_for_keys<I>(&self, keys: I) -> Vec<Arc<V>>
I: Iterator<Item = &'a K>
let hash = self.0.read().expect("A reading lock to get for keys");
keys.flat_map(|key| {
// Had to update test
fn simple_get_for_keys() {
let cache = Cache::new();
cache.store('a', "apple");
cache.store('b', "banana");
cache.store('c', "crayon");
let keys = vec!['a', 'b', 'z'];
let hits = cache.get_for_keys((&keys).iter());
assert_eq!(hits.len(), 2);

This works now for any iterator; however, I’m not a fan of the (&keys).iter() that is needed now to get it to work for different collections that can produce an iterator. It turns out that there is also a trait that covers this as well, and it’s called IntoIterator.

// Updated get_for_keys
pub fn get_for_keys<I>(&self, keys: I) -> Vec<Arc<V>>
I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a K>
let hash = self.0.read().expect("A reading lock to get for keys");
.flat_map(|key| {
// (&keys).iter() still works, but now so does this
fn simple_get_for_keys() {
let cache = Cache::new();
cache.store('a', "apple");
cache.store('b', "banana");
cache.store('c', "crayon");
let keys = vec!['a', 'b', 'z'];
let hits = cache.get_for_keys(&keys);
assert_eq!(hits.len(), 2);
// And this also works:
fn get_for_keys_with_hashset() {
let cache = Cache::new();
cache.store('a', "apples");
cache.store('b', "bananas");
cache.store('c', "crayons");
let mut keys = HashSet::new();
let hits = cache.get_for_keys(&keys);
assert_eq!(hits.len(), 2);

This lets you use a reference to any collection which implements IntoIterator. I’m pretty happy with what was learned while tinkering with this caching idea. Can’t say if the whole thing in total is worth anything, but this little bit of insight gained is a big one. When first starting with rust it felt like I was wanting to work with slices; however, more often then not what’s being called for is an iterator. If you find yourself in the same spot then hopefully this has opened your eyes!
