Rspec and the Double Dilemma

This week the question came up of doubles with Rspec testing. For those unfamiliar with this concept, a double is a way of creating fake resources that look and act like the resources you expect to be used inside of a class or method. With the newer versions of Rspec this is as simple as the following example:

describe MaintenanceSystem do
let(:bad_spring) { double(type: :general, size: :small, condition: :poor) }
let(:resource) { double(springs: [bad_spring]) }
let(:system) { }
context 'with a single small spring loaded in resources' do
let(:good_spring) { double(type: :general, size: :small, condition: :good) }
let(:loaded_resources) { { springs: [good_spring] } }
it 'should be able to make the repair' do
expect(system.can_repair? resource).to be(true)
context 'but the resource has a large bad spring' do
let(:bad_spring) { double(type: :general, size: :large, condition: :poor) }
it 'should not be able to make the repair' do
expect(system.can_repair? resource).to be(false)

This lets you create and test your MaintenanceSystem without actually needing to get other real resources available. Case in point I was able to make these two tests pass with the following implementation:

class MaintenanceSystem
attr_accessor :resources
def initialize(**resources)
@resources = resources
def can_repair?(resoure)
bad_springs = { |spring| spring.condition == :poor }
good_springs_tally = tally_springs(good_springs)
bad_springs_tally = tally_springs(bad_springs)
bad_springs_tally.each_pair do |type, amount|
return false if good_springs_tally[type] < amount
def good_springs
resources[:springs] || []
def tally_springs(springs)
springs.each_with_object( {0}) do |spring, hash|
hash[[spring.type, spring.size]] += 1

This is all fine and dandy; however, some would argue it’s not really testing as much as it could. You could say that in our real world system if we change how a resource works these tests would never discover the breaking change. This is the dilemma of using doubles, and it is a fact you have to deal with when using doubles. Hopefully you have feature tests in place that exercise these, but if you don’t a compromise you may be able to do is to utilize Rspecs stubbing capability. For example, these tests could have been done like this:

describe MaintenanceSystem do
let(:bad_spring) { double(type: :general, size: :small, condition: :poor) }
let(:resource) { }
let(:system) { }
context 'with a single small spring loaded in resources' do
before { allow(resource).to receive(:springs).and_return([bad_spring]) }
let(:good_spring) { double(type: :general, size: :small, condition: :good) }
let(:loaded_resources) { { springs: [good_spring] } }
it 'should be able to make the repair' do
expect(system.can_repair? resource).to be(true)
context 'but the resource has a large bad spring' do
let(:bad_spring) { double(type: :general, size: :large, condition: :poor) }
it 'should not be able to make the repair' do
expect(system.can_repair? resource).to be(false)

With this before block, we are making a pact with the widget in a sense. Rspec will throw an exception if the Widget does not at least implement a springs method… which is a tad bit of coupling. If you are okay with this then you will get a little more insight into any breakage that may crop up with regards to widgets as they work with the MaintenanceSystem.

I don’t know how much I am on board with this idea, but, it seems like a pragmatic solution for testing when you don’t have a good case or time to have suitable feature tests in place.
