This week the question came up of doubles with Rspec testing. For those
unfamiliar with this concept, a double is a way of creating fake resources that
look and act like the resources you expect to be used inside of a class or
method. With the newer versions of Rspec this is as simple as the following
This lets you create and test your MaintenanceSystem without actually needing
to get other real resources available. Case in point I was able to make these
two tests pass with the following implementation:
This is all fine and dandy; however, some would argue it’s not really testing as
much as it could. You could say that in our real world system if we change
how a resource works these tests would never discover the breaking change. This
is the dilemma of using doubles, and it is a fact you have to deal with when
using doubles. Hopefully you have feature tests in place that exercise these,
but if you don’t a compromise you may be able to do is to utilize Rspecs stubbing
capability. For example, these tests could have been done like this:
With this before block, we are making a pact with the widget in a sense. Rspec
will throw an exception if the Widget does not at least implement a springs
method… which is a tad bit of coupling. If you are okay with this then you
will get a little more insight into any breakage that may crop up with regards
to widgets as they work with the MaintenanceSystem.
I don’t know how much I am on board with this idea, but, it seems like a
pragmatic solution for testing when you don’t have a good case or time to have
suitable feature tests in place.